Intuition Vs Anxiety
I started out making a list of symptoms you may feel when your intuition tells you something is no good...
-tightness in your chest
-flip-floppy feeling in your stomach
-quick heartbeat
-tingling or numbing arms
-tension in back, neck, or shoulders
-lightheadedness or headache
Just to name a few. And if you're familiar with anxiety like I am, you probably noticed...these are all the same symptoms as anxiety! It literally hit me as I put that list together. I took a look back in my life to notice all those times my anxiety flared up, and it was really my intuition trying to warn me about something. It blew my mind! And I wanted to share a specific area in my life where I've started to listen to my intuition, and my anxiety symptoms have lessened significantly. (Because they're connected or the same thing.)
Before I go further, I want to add a disclaimer that nothing I say should be taken as medical advice. If you're experiencing anxiety, seek treatment from a doctor or mental health professional who will give you holistic help. I believe anxiety is a holistic issue and so many things can play a part, like diet, exercise, genes, energy, environment, gut-brain connection, etc. I'm only sharing one example from my personal life.
In the past year, as I've had my spiritual awakening and embarked on this new, expansive journey, I've given myself more permission to listen to my body and trust myself. At the beginning of this journey, I found a wonderful podcast called "Law of Attraction in Action" by Michele Joy. In the podcast, she talks about following your joy to get to a place of high vibration where you can receive inspiration and blessings. Your high vibration attracts high vibration things!
I dove in and decided to give myself permission to really follow my joy, which meant also saying no to the things that brought me stress and anxiety. One of my biggest anxieties is social anxiety. So I started paying attention to when I felt anxious vs when I felt well. Anxiety showed up when I socialized in groups, socialized with people I didn't jive with, or socialized during my luteal and menstruation phases.
Up until this point, I felt like I had to socialize during these times either because I was actually being forced to through school/work or because I thought I had to in order to overcome my anxieties, socialize my kiddo, or be a part of society/be there for people who "needed me." But now that I saw my patterns and decided to trust myself, I said, "So what if I don't go? I can take some time to withdraw a bit, see how it goes..."
Instead of pushing myself to do what I felt anxious about, I chose to do only the things I felt peace and joy about. I spent time with my friends one-on-one instead of in groups. I planned my social life around my menstrual cycle, and I only spent time with people who felt like sunshine. You know what happened? Amazing things! I started flourishing everywhere.
My friendships deepened because instead of making small-talk in a group of people, we spent quality time together, focused on each other, talking about the deep and weird things. Instead of going home after a social interaction and needing to escape into a TV show for hours to recover, I went home feeling inspired and lit up. I spend less time being social now, but it feels like eating a good nutrient-dense meal instead of snacking on small things that don't fill me up.
This change also gave me more time to withdraw in those parts of my cycle that call for me to be alone and dive deep in my spirituality, healing and growth. My growth has been happening so fast and so deep because I give myself space for it. And because I'm more fulfilled, living in that high vibration, and feeling inspired, I've been more creative and had the time to brings dreams to fruition.
I see now that my social anxiety all my life was my intuition saying, "You don't have to socialize like that! You're meant to socialize like this instead. This is where you flourish and shine. This is where you'll truly LIVE. The rest is only holding you back."
In our culture, women especially are told to ignore our intuition. We're labeled as hormonal, overly sensitive, overreactive, blah blah blah. On top of that, we have an epidemic of anxiety and depression, so when we feel anxious, we slap a label on our feelings and try to suppress them. All of this means we're not tuning in to ask our bodies and our higher selves, what does this anxiety mean? Is my intuition trying to tell me something?
You don't need permission, but if you want it, here it is: IT'S OKAY TO TRUST YOURSELF AND YOUR FEELINGS. Don't dismiss the anxiety. Instead, try asking what would bring you peace and joy in that situation, and go after that instead! Your intuition may even lead you somewhere "weird," but remember this: Most of the things we "have" to do are social constructs that don't mean a damn thing. DO THE WEIRD THING if the weird thing feels right.
And if you want a circle of goddess sisters to lift you up and support you during this time, please join the Sapphire Goddess Circle on Facebook. We can send you positive vibes, help you shake of any expectations that don't jive with you, encourage and cheer for you, and support you any way you need. Let your inner goddess arise and lead you into an intuitive life.
-tightness in your chest
-flip-floppy feeling in your stomach
-quick heartbeat
-tingling or numbing arms
-tension in back, neck, or shoulders
-lightheadedness or headache
Just to name a few. And if you're familiar with anxiety like I am, you probably noticed...these are all the same symptoms as anxiety! It literally hit me as I put that list together. I took a look back in my life to notice all those times my anxiety flared up, and it was really my intuition trying to warn me about something. It blew my mind! And I wanted to share a specific area in my life where I've started to listen to my intuition, and my anxiety symptoms have lessened significantly. (Because they're connected or the same thing.)
Before I go further, I want to add a disclaimer that nothing I say should be taken as medical advice. If you're experiencing anxiety, seek treatment from a doctor or mental health professional who will give you holistic help. I believe anxiety is a holistic issue and so many things can play a part, like diet, exercise, genes, energy, environment, gut-brain connection, etc. I'm only sharing one example from my personal life.
In the past year, as I've had my spiritual awakening and embarked on this new, expansive journey, I've given myself more permission to listen to my body and trust myself. At the beginning of this journey, I found a wonderful podcast called "Law of Attraction in Action" by Michele Joy. In the podcast, she talks about following your joy to get to a place of high vibration where you can receive inspiration and blessings. Your high vibration attracts high vibration things!
I dove in and decided to give myself permission to really follow my joy, which meant also saying no to the things that brought me stress and anxiety. One of my biggest anxieties is social anxiety. So I started paying attention to when I felt anxious vs when I felt well. Anxiety showed up when I socialized in groups, socialized with people I didn't jive with, or socialized during my luteal and menstruation phases.
Up until this point, I felt like I had to socialize during these times either because I was actually being forced to through school/work or because I thought I had to in order to overcome my anxieties, socialize my kiddo, or be a part of society/be there for people who "needed me." But now that I saw my patterns and decided to trust myself, I said, "So what if I don't go? I can take some time to withdraw a bit, see how it goes..."
Instead of pushing myself to do what I felt anxious about, I chose to do only the things I felt peace and joy about. I spent time with my friends one-on-one instead of in groups. I planned my social life around my menstrual cycle, and I only spent time with people who felt like sunshine. You know what happened? Amazing things! I started flourishing everywhere.
My friendships deepened because instead of making small-talk in a group of people, we spent quality time together, focused on each other, talking about the deep and weird things. Instead of going home after a social interaction and needing to escape into a TV show for hours to recover, I went home feeling inspired and lit up. I spend less time being social now, but it feels like eating a good nutrient-dense meal instead of snacking on small things that don't fill me up.
This change also gave me more time to withdraw in those parts of my cycle that call for me to be alone and dive deep in my spirituality, healing and growth. My growth has been happening so fast and so deep because I give myself space for it. And because I'm more fulfilled, living in that high vibration, and feeling inspired, I've been more creative and had the time to brings dreams to fruition.
I see now that my social anxiety all my life was my intuition saying, "You don't have to socialize like that! You're meant to socialize like this instead. This is where you flourish and shine. This is where you'll truly LIVE. The rest is only holding you back."
In our culture, women especially are told to ignore our intuition. We're labeled as hormonal, overly sensitive, overreactive, blah blah blah. On top of that, we have an epidemic of anxiety and depression, so when we feel anxious, we slap a label on our feelings and try to suppress them. All of this means we're not tuning in to ask our bodies and our higher selves, what does this anxiety mean? Is my intuition trying to tell me something?
You don't need permission, but if you want it, here it is: IT'S OKAY TO TRUST YOURSELF AND YOUR FEELINGS. Don't dismiss the anxiety. Instead, try asking what would bring you peace and joy in that situation, and go after that instead! Your intuition may even lead you somewhere "weird," but remember this: Most of the things we "have" to do are social constructs that don't mean a damn thing. DO THE WEIRD THING if the weird thing feels right.
And if you want a circle of goddess sisters to lift you up and support you during this time, please join the Sapphire Goddess Circle on Facebook. We can send you positive vibes, help you shake of any expectations that don't jive with you, encourage and cheer for you, and support you any way you need. Let your inner goddess arise and lead you into an intuitive life.
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