The Energy of Cleaning House

That stupid dress. No matter how much deep inner work I had done to heal from a traumatic experience I had this past year, that dress sat on my floor, a constant reminder. Why did I keep it around? Because I had spend money on it. Because it was tied to someone else's positive experience. And mostly because I told myself over and over that it was a perfectly good dress and it would be better to donate it than to throw it away. But I'm going to scratch that plan. I'm going to take that perfectly fine dress and burn it. 

That dress holds so much negative energy for me. It's filled with bad memories. With anxiety so bad my arms went numb. It's filled with betrayal. Lies. Nightmares. Fake smiles. Trauma.

I'm coming up on the anniversary of the catalyst that burned my world to ashes. And since the dress is tied into all this, it only feels right that the dress goes up in smoke on the anniversary. Everything happens for me, not to me. I've come to appreciate the traumatic experience for what it taught me and the way it set me free. I appreciate the burned ground where something new and beautiful and powerful grew. But with that damned dress on my floor, in the room where I sleep and rest, I'm triggered. The old energy is still in that dress and it brings me back to the old feelings of hurt and betrayal. Will burning the dress end my nightmares? I hope so. But if not, hey, it'll feel great anyway.

That's my general mood right now. I'm much more of a "fall cleaning" person than a "spring cleaning" person. This October has been my month to puuuuuurge. And let me tell you what--the energy shift has been amazing. It doesn't matter when in the year you do it, but it definitely matters that you do it at all. Because e v e r y t h i n g has energy. And that energy will either lift you up or pull you down. Inspire you or keep you stuck. This cleaning house goes for your literal home, but also people, places, beliefs...if it doesn't serve you, it has got to go.

I'm privileged to be a stay-at-home-mom, so this past year, I've been conscious about only spending time with people who energize me. I literally dropped a ton from my social life. And yet...I was hanging onto people on social media. People from my old life. People who I know disapprove of me, my new life, my new beliefs. I can actually feel their judgement through social media. I finally said fuck it and unfriended a ton of people whose energy doesn't feel good to me at this point in time. I'm not saying I slash every person. I've worked hard to start fresh with people who matter to me this year. But we all hang on to too many people who no longer need to be in our lives. Let them go! After I did my social media cleanse, I felt so much lighter. Even my physical phone felt lighter.

I'm examining all my beliefs. I'm changing what no longer serves me. Rewiring my thought patterns. gutting my home of clutter and old, negative energy. I'm the creator of my own life! If something holds me back, buh-bye. More room to fully embrace everything that uplifts me and propels me forward.

Give it a try. You might find out that burning the dress is just what you needed to set yourself free.


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